Interview: Naomi Hoekert - Secretary & Vice-President, 50th Board of MAEUR

  • Interview: Naomi Hoekert - Secretary & Vice-President, 50th Board of MAEUR

    Naomi Hoekert
    MAEUR Board

    1. Who are you?

    My name is Naomi, 21 years old (maybe 22 by the time this gets online) and I’m a third-year Sociology student. I am the Secretary & Vice-President of the 50th MAEUR board. Next to MAEUR I am doing some re-sits from last year and I work at a coffee café.

    1. What made you choose to apply for the MAEUR board?

    I really wanted to do a board year in a professional environment that would teach me organizational skills. Also, after studying for four years I got a bit tired of it and was ready for a little yet useful study break. I had a friend who had already joined MAEUR and who made me familiar with the association. The function of Secretary & Vice-President was the most appealing to because I like to manage all bits and bops and have a lot of variety in my tasks. Since I learned that MAEUR is open to everyone, I decided to take a chance and apply for the 50th board, which turned out to be one of the most instructive things I have done so far. Up until this day I am still glad I’ve made that decision.

    1. What is your function and what does it entail?

    The function of Secretary & Vice-President entails many facets. I am responsible for all the incoming and outgoing emails, supervising the activity committee, remaining tires with alumni and organizing events for them. I also support the President and take his place whenever he cannot be present. This is only a brief overview, as there are many more aspects to this function and the board year as a whole.

    1. Describe the day in the life of a Secretary & Vice-President.

    First things first: coffee. Then I open my e-mail (which is exploding most of the time) and answer the most important ones first. I make sure all new members are registrated correct and add them to all my mailing channels. Next up, I book rooms for the committees. I also book locations for events such as the Erasmus Marketing Thesis Awards and all the alumni events. Depending on the day I draft the e-mail for the members (mostly career-related).  Since I surpvise the activity committee, I also make sure to keep in touch with them and meet with the chair and help them whenever needed. Two times a week I also take minutes at our board meeting.

    1. What did you learn from your time as board member?

    I’ve have learnt to develop myself in a professional environment, to manage my time efficiently and to work together with different kinds of people in different kind of settings. I’ve learned to work independently and to take responsibility for my tasks and how they are performed.

    1. What is your most fun memory?

    Active Members Weekend, the theme party in particular. The weekend was organized by the Activity Committee, which I supervise and what makes it extra fun. It was great to finally see all the hard work the committee and I did had paid of and it amazing to see the committee so happy and proud of the fact that everyone had such a great time.

    1. What are you going to do after your board year?

    After my board year I will continue my bachelor and hopefully finish it. After that I am planning to do a masters in Policy & Politics, to which this board year is already a great addition and will be of great use during this master.

    1. What’s your favorite quote?

    “Bedankt voor je allertheid”

    1. What advice would you give to someone who is considering a board year?

    Just do it! You won’t regret it.  

    If you are interested to know more about MAEUR, a board year or, more specifically, being Secretary & Vice-President, please message me at or +31 6 81 46 76 95